St Barnabas Oxford Clock and Bells
One of the many distinguishing features of Jericho for many years has been the sound of the tubular bells which can be heard from the clock-tower of St Barnabas Church. After silence for more than a year because of wear and tear of the Victorian clock, the clock is now functioning and the chimes are working once again. Thanks to the Cumbria Clock Company for their expert work
The original clock, which is still in the campanile of St Barnabas was built by the celebrated clock maker Gillett & Johnson of Croydon in 1890.
“This clock is a fabulous installation; it is a very solid, heavy three-train flatbed, beautifully made, and next to it there is a carillon player of exactly matching vintage and construction. All is surrounded by the original wooden casework, and the wooden weight chute for it remains in place. Upstairs in the tower the clock system rings out on a set of heavy bronze tubular bells which must also have been part of the original plan. Nationally the Church has an extraordinary heritage of clocks, and this system is surely one its many treasures. ”
Thanks to My Jericho for donating so much money towards the repair of the Clock!
Listen to the tubular bells carillon playing before Mass on a Sunday morning in summer 2018
There is also a single hand-rung bell in the tower, not connected to the clock. Affectionately known as ‘Barney’s Bell’, you will hear it rung before daily services at certain times during the day. You can listen to this bell below.
During the COVID pandemic lockdown in 2020, Fr Christopher made a video for children with the parish mascots, Tommy and Barney. They visited the clock tower to fix the time.
Below are some pictures of the clock and the bells at St Barnabas.
The clock workings
The tubular bells in the upper bell tower
The striking train of the carillon which rings the tubular bell chimes
The clock
Detail of the clock
The quarter-hour train