Ministry & Staff Team
Fr Christopher Woods (Vicar)
Fr Christopher has been the Vicar and Parish Priest of St Barnabas Jericho and St Thomas the Martyr since February 2019. A native of Northern Ireland, he was previously Chaplain at Christ’s College, Cambridge, Tutor in Liturgical Formation at Westcott House in Cambridge and was was also Vicar of St Anne’s Hoxton, east London for 5 years. He has also taught Liturgy at St Augustine’s College and was for three years Secretary of the Church of England Liturgical Commission.
The Revd Canon Prof Sue Gillingham (Deacon)
Sue is the Permanent Deacon of St Barnabas, having been ordained in the summer of 2018. Sue is a leading academic in the Psalms and recently retired as Professor of the Hebrew Bible in the University of Oxford. She is currently Senior Research Fellow at Worcester College, Oxford and Canon Theologian of Exeter Cathedral.
The Revd Lucie Spiers (Assistant Curate)
Mthr Lucie served most of her deacon’s year at St Mary Magdalen Church in Oxford, moving to St Barnabas at Easter 2024 where she is now Assistant Curate. She was ordained a Priest in June 2024.
Jenny Pittaway (Lay Minister)
Jenny has been a Licensed Lay Minister in St Barnabas since 2012. She is also Head Server. Jenny’s ministry in the parish focuses on pastoral care, preaching, working in the sacristy and leading school collective worship.
Esther Bersweden (Director of Music & Organist)
Esther joined St Barnabas in September 2024 moving from Bristol where she was Composer in Residence at Redmaids’ High School in Bristol. In 2021 Esther received a Distinction in a Music MA specialising in Composition at the University of Bristol. She is also the co-founder and co-director of the Avon Chamber Choir. Esther is a prolific and published composer.
Saralynn Culpepper (Organ Scholar)
Saralynn Culpepper is the Montague Noel Organ Scholar and she plays regularly for Mass at St Barnabas. Saralynn is also an Organ Scholar at Magdalen College School in Oxford, where she is studying for her A Levels.
Martin Payne ARCO (Honorary Organist)
Martin was an organ scholar at Pembroke College in Oxford, then studied organ further with Ian Tracey at Liverpool Anglican Cathedral. Martin was Acting Director of Music at St Barnabas for a short period, and now acts as Titular Organist. He is Project Lead for the 1876 Willis Organ Campaign at St Barnabas.
The Revd Prof Sarah Coakley
Sarah is an Honorary Assistant Priest during the summer months each year. Sarah and her husband Chip have had a long association with the parish, having lived in Jericho when Sarah was a Lecturer and Fellow in Oriel College in the 1990s. Having held Professorships in both Cambridge and Harvard, Sarah has now retired to Washington DC but comes back to Oxford for the summer vacation each year.
Fr Robin Ward
Fr Robin is Principal of St Stephen’s House in Oxford and is an Honorary Assistant Priest of St Barnabas Jericho.
Paul South (Churchwarden)
Paul has been Churchwarden at St Barnabas since 2020. He is Head of History at Oxford High School and enjoys teaching about Tudor England. In his spare time he enjoys running and cookery.
Claire Herbertson (Churchwarden)
Claire has been Churchwarden several times, but most recently since 2019. Before retirement, Claire was a Dental Hygienist. Claire goes to the gym most mornings at 6am!
Alex Taylor (Parish Safeguarding Officer)
Alex Taylor is our Safeguarding Officer. You can find out more about our Safeguarding Team at this page.
Philip Gardner (Operations Manager)
Phil is our Operations Manager and Administrator, who manages the day to day running of the parish, including bookings and projects. He can be contacted using the parish email address: