Community & Parish Pantry
What is it?
Jericho Community Pantry is a local, free drop in service where you can pick up emergency essential food supplies at certain times in the week. While we are not a proper foodbank and so can only donate limited supplies to you, we do not ask for referrals, and we are here to support your emergency needs. On Tuesdays, we also offer free tea and coffee.
What times are we open?
Tuesdays from 5.30pm-6.30pm (with tea and coffee)
in the Jericho Community Centre (Canal Street)Thursdays from 2.00pm - 4.00pm in St Barnabas Church
Is it open to anyone?
Yes! If you are in need of some urgent food supplies, we will do our best to help with baked beans, soup, cereal bars, pasta and sauce, teabags, coffee etc. On Tuesday evenings we can often provide some fruit and veg, whatever comes from the supermarket surplus.
Can I donate food?
Yes please! Click here for a list of what we need. You can donate the food at the above times, or you can contact us to arrange another time to drop it off. We prefer you not to just leave things in the Church without telling us, though.