Advent Bible Study

Angels, Beasts Trumpets and Peace: Interpreting and understanding the Book of Revelation

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On three evenings during Advent 2023 (two Wednesdays and a Tuesday) at 7pm, we explored the dramatic and fantastical book of Revelation: an apocalyptic prophecy, commonly held to be a visionary unveiling of Jesus Christ to someone called ‘John’ who writes his vision down. The only apocalyptic book of the New Testament, it is an extraordinarily rich and complex book of the Christian Scriptures. It has been open to symbolic and futurist interpretation and has been dismissed as human-imherited archetype. But it remains very important to the Christian today. You can catch up with some of the sessions below.

Week 1 (6 December: A Revelation Glossary): The Revd Christopher Woods

Handout (click here)

(Recording unavailable)

Week 2 (13 December: Beasts from the Sea and a Lamb on the Throne): Prof Sue Gillingham

Handouts: (click here) and click here

Images for those joining online (click here)

Recording of Session 2

Week 3 (19 December) : A Tale of Two Cities: Babylon and the New Jerusalem
Dr Ian Boxall (Senior Tutor of St Stephen’s House)

Handouts for those joining on line: HERE, HERE